Thursday, December 19, 2013

Creativity is Found, not Forced.

If you have artist's block, or writer's block, or whoever's block, do not worry. It will come back to you. The trick is that you don't force yourself to be creativity, that just doesn't really work. Just by doing the things that you love will inspire you, and eventually you'll have so much creative muse you won't know what to do with all of it!

One tip is to write in a journal or something like that as much as you can. It's best if you try to write everyday, but at least do it as much as possible. Actually, you don't even have to write if you don't want to. You can do whatever you want with your journal - it's yours, after all! You could paint, do collages, sketch, jot down little thoughts and ideas, talk about your whole day, it doesn't matter. Do what feels right, don't stick with one thing if that's not your style. Or stick with one thing even if it's not your usual style! I don't know man, I'm not going to tell you how to live your life, that's all up to you.

A little while ago, my mother was painting after a long time of not painting anything at all, and she didn't know what to do with the painting anymore so she just kept trying new things with it again and again and become more dissatisfied with it the more she tried to work with it. Eventually I had to tell her to step back from it, take a breath, and just leave it alone for the night. Because the more she tried to force the inspiration, the worse it got. Before she didn't know what to do with it anymore, it looked great. Unfinished, but it at least looked like it was going in the right direction. Now it looks even further from being finished and she hasn't touched it since, because you can't really fix it at this point without painting over a lot of stuff. By trying to force the creativity, my mother ended up just killing it even more. She kicked it when it was down and she didn't even realize it.

Just go with the flow, that's the best advice I can give. Live with an open mind and open arms and the creativity will eventually find it's way to you. But that doesn't mean you can just sit back and wait for the inspiration and the excitement to come find you - you still have to find what it is that you're looking for, you just can't force it to come out of hiding when it doesn't want to. Go with the flow, follow your dreams, and make the best of what you've got. Try to be creative even if you're not feeling it, even if you don't think you've got it in you anymore. You do. You've just got to reach down and grab it and pull it back up into your brain again. (Don't take that bit literally. Please.) It's all about finding the creativity, not forcing and forcing and forcing until you just make the situation even worse.


  1. This reminds me of the advice you gave me concerning the times I try very hard to remember a word, and it just won't spring to mind the way I need it to.

    1. Yeah, this is sort of like that, isn't it? :) Thanks for reading!

  2. Makes sense to me now FINALLY :) xo
