Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Oh, Canada

As you might know, I live in Canada. As much as I would love to travel, I don't think I'd really love to permanently live somewhere else. I'd definitely stay somewhere else for a few weeks or months, maybe even a year, but I don't think I would permanently stay in another country unless I really fell in love with the place.

The main reason for this is because of Canada's both natural and man-made beauty. The trees, the cities, the plains, the lights at night. I love it all. It satisfies all of my aesthetic needs, and I think that's why I love it here so much. There's water and tranquility, but then there's the cement jungles and urban sprawls that I love so much. Sure, America has better Target stores, but it's not about the material things really. I just love where I am, and I'm so satisfied with it. The only thing I'm not really happy about is the government, but we can change that someday soon.

Speaking of the government, I actually despise Steven Harper. I have some readers in the US and Germany that probably don't know who he is, but basically he's very similar to a dictator without actually being a dictator and I'm pretty sure he's not human so there you go. It's funny how we hate robots that act like humans, but yet our leader is a human that looks and acts like a robot.

Anyway, this isn't about Steven Harper and how much I hate him and want him out of parliament. This is about beauty and nature and free health care and all the things that make me love Canada. And it's okay if you don't love Canada, because you are entitled to your opinion and I'll appreciate you as a human being even if you like your country - or any  country - more than you like mine. Because it doesn't really matter which country is better than some other country, or who lives in the best one, or anything like that. What matters is whether or not you're in a place where you can look around and love what you see. And if that's Canada, good. If that's Japan, that's good too. Every country, just like people, can be beautiful in it's own way, from Antartica to Zimbabwe, it just takes the right pair of eyes to see it.


  1. I'm so glad you wrote a post about Canada! It has such a diverse and non-superficially beautiful population. It's a privilege to live somewhere with so many natural resources that are (for the most part) taken care of.

    I believe that Stephen Harper should've done a better job of handling the selfish actions of the Senate. I know that he wants to make a major reform to the Senate, but statistics show that Canadians act very negatively to any drastic change, good or bad.

    He doesn't have the overwhelming charisma like Obama, hence the lack of public appearances, but I actually find it quite comforting. Often, the majority, who are either corrupt or average-minded swoon towards the charismatic and the "pretty" leaders with very little discernment. These leaders often become very superficial, and media-obsessed. People may not have noticed, but we've been given many more freedoms than with previous governments. Marijuana isn't legal, but the government isn't completely against legalizing it, especially with other countries in the world who have seen the benefits. However, I do think that the topic will, and should be more openly dicussed when Canada is completely out of debt.

    Most people (even Canadians) don't know this, but Canada has the strongest economy in the G7. Because of the governement we have, we've hardly been effected by any global economic resessions. It is speculated by politicians and MacLean's magazine (which is actually more biased towards opposing parties) that we will be completely without debt (which was mostly aquired during the Trudeau government) by 2015. We have sky-rocketing job growth, and though there is a heavy loss of jobs in select provinces (i.e. New Brunswick), Canada as whole is experiencing a significant decrease in unemployment. Overall, we are a much stronger economy than in previous decades.

    I do however fear a new government. Even if our new prime minister is of the same party, I do not think they will be able to make the right decisions for the people of Canada. So often are countries left with leaders who think that prosperity is created by spending money and raising taxes, and it shows how unintelligent they really are when it comes to business, politics, and the economy.

    1. Thanks for your input Sonya! I love it getting comments like this :) Thanks for reading and really putting a lot of thought into the whole thing. Your argument makes a lot of sense! Super interesting. :D
