Friday, February 6, 2015

A Poem about Water (sort of)

I really had no title for this. I scrawled it quickly into a notebook one day after reading a lot of romantic-era (or perhaps older, I can't remember) poetry in English 121 last semester.

You are my tide.
You wash me out,
you bring me back,
you fill my lungs with salt water
and empty them again
in one breath.
I inhale and exhale you
with each splash of the waves.
You make me feel
such an adrenaline,
stronger than any I've ever known,
and maybe it's because I can't swim.
You're bittersweet
like salty air and seaweed
you travel through my nostrils
and settle in my brain, lingering.
You are my river, my ocean,
you are my seven seas.
You are a waterfall to me,
you are the salty air I breathe.

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