Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Fake Plants & Book Collections

Last night I went out after school just to see what was at the thrift store and if there were any good bargains at target and managed to get a few things for my room. I found two little fake succulents, a "feel beautiful" candle which smells absolutely gorgeous (the scent is moonflower & neroli, with essential oils of orange and lavender), and some little LED tea lights. The lamp pictured here was something I already owned (I believe it came from a garage sale) and it has pretty elephants on it, and then the other candle is a cute little "thank you" candle my boyfriend's mom gave me at Christmas. Here are some photos (I apologize for the intensely shitty picture quality, I really need a new phone with a better camera)

Then here are the  books I picked up at the thrift store:

And here's another photo of the succulents:

These little cuties were 3 dollars each! I wish they were real plants, but fake ones will do for now. When I have my own house, I really want to get a lot of cute plants. 

I set everything up on a table in front of the window in my room, and I call it my "aesthetic table." I also bought a package of three brown moleskines with lined pages and they're sitting on the table as well. I really have a problem with buying journals - perhaps one of these days I'll make a post showing off my collection. 

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