Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Return of the Bed-headed Blogger from the Black Lagoon!

(Cue suspenseful music)
Well, it seems I've returned from the dead after almost a year (sorry!). Hopefully I'm back for good, and I'm looking forward to posting actual content again. But for now, here's what you missed while I was away!
I cut my hair really short again (an undercut, which I never tried before):

But now I'm growing it back out:

I'm in my senior year, and I took a really great theater arts class first semester:

This started as me and Cameron (the boy to my right, which would be the left of this picture, obviously) taking a selfie, and then more and more of the class jumped in. It was a really cute moment, that class was full of happiness.

I met a really great guy named Peter and he's a complete dork and I love him (yeah, i broke out the L-word, shoot me). He also sings and plays guitar. I spent parts of Christmas with him and his family out of town. Currently, I'm trying to convince him to hop on the man bun bandwagon (his hair is longer than mine)

Also, I got my grad pictures done:

Here's to great content and less procrastinating! Keep an eye out for further posts here and on my style/fashion blog Style Scum in the future!

Also, feel free to check me out on tumblr!

Stay weird, kids.

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