Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Looking for Submissions!

Intrepid Magazine is currently looking for user-generated submissions. This can be anything from art to photographs to writing, or basically anything you want to share.
Please do not send:

  • Pornography. This is very different from artistic nudity. 
  • Spam or junk mail
  • Bad quality pictures of art or photos - please scan them so that they can be clearly seen
  • Material that does not belong to you - do not plagiarise writing or steal images from the internet. 
With your submission, please include:
  • Your name (you don't have to share your last name if you don't want to, only your first name is required)
  • Your website/blog (if you have one, if you don't have one this isn't necessary. This is also optional)
  • A caption you would like to have included with the work, if it's an image. 
  • Confirmation as to whether or not you would like to be contacted if your work is chosen or not chosen. 
  • The word "Submission" in the subject line.

Please don't send work if you don't actually want it shared, I don't really want all that legal stuff on my hands.

Submissions must be sent in to submissions.intrepidmag@gmail.com by Friday, December 27th. I'll post as much as I can, and chosen submissions will be posted by January 4th.  There's no theme or topic to follow, so just send whatever you'd like. 

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