Monday, December 9, 2013

Your Teenage Bedroom

As a teenager, you can basically do whatever you want with your room, whenever you want to.
You can change how it looks whenever you feel like it. It doesn't matter if you change it every day, every couple of weeks, a couple times a year, or never! Because its yours. Your teenage bedroom belongs to you and nobody else (unless you share a room, I suppose), and it's probably one of the first things you can really call your own. It can be whatever you want it to be, whatever you decide it is. You don't even have to call it your room if you don't want to! You could call it your castle if you felt like it, and so that's what it would be. Because you said so.
A lot of people underestimate the power of the teenage bedroom, or don't cherish their own enough, or take it for granted. But it should be praised and cherished and cared for. It's a reflection of a person's 'self,' and deserves the same love and affection that a person does. Dress it up, feed it with your prized possessions, do whatever you want to make it as you as it can possibly be.
Go forth, children, and cherish your teenage bedroom.

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