Monday, December 2, 2013

Video Games

The truth is, I love video games. I have ever since my first gameboy that I played pokemon on all the time as a child. I'll probably never stop loving games, and for some reason, people find it strange.

My boyfriend is older than me and plays a lot of video games, nobody questions him. Nobody questions his brother, who is even older still, and nobody questions their friends. However, when I am seen frequently playing video games, I'm asked things like "but didn't you grow out of those things?" and "Do you really still play that?" Why is it that I'm expected to grow out of video games? I didn't even think that was possible!

To be honest, I always thought I needed to grow into them a little more, play games that were deeper and a little less, well... Animal crossing-esque. I thought I needed to grow into more intelligent, mind-provoking games with subtle social commentary. But I guess not? According to society, I'm too old for that, apparently.

Then there's the idea that someone playing a handheld game in public, like a Nintendo DS or something, is a total dork. To me, that's just ridiculous! And 90% of the people who say that probably play games on their fancy-schmancy iPhones all the time. What, are you going to try to tell me that candy crush saga isn't a game all of a sudden? Because it's certainly not a Dostoyevsky novel.

There are always double standards and hypocrisies everywhere you look, and we're all guilty of them (yes, even me.. sigh..). But that doesn't mean I'll ever be able to comprehend them.

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