Sunday, December 15, 2013

Jack of All Trades, Master of None

Right now, my answer when people ask me what I want to do after high school is "be a jack of all trades." For some reason, this just doesn't cut it. Because I guess 'following your dreams' stops being relevant when you become a teenager, along with 'doing anything you put your mind to' and 'believing in yourself.'

"When you grow up, your heart dies"
What the hell? Shouldn't people be proud of somebody for aspiring to do more than they ever possibly could? Aren't we told to dream big as children? Why is it that, when we enter high school, we're supposed to stop dreaming big and start dreaming realistically? Ally Sheedy was right. When you grow up, your heart really does die, along with your dreams and your goals and your expectations you held dear to you as a child. 

It doesn't have to be this way though, does it? Why can't we change things? Why can't we prove everyone wrong, and be the people we want to be and not let our hearts die when we stop being a kid? There's no reason why we can't, we just don't. We blindly accept our fates, and it doesn't have to be this way. So let's make a change right now, let's all promise ourselves that we will be the people we've always wanted to be, and not let anyone stop us or tell us we can't. Because we can, and our hearts will not die, no matter what. We will love our inner child and show it that it wasn't wrong, that it wasn't doomed, and that if you really, really try, you can do whatever you put your mind to. 

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