Sunday, December 15, 2013

I Don't Belong to Anyone: The Importance of Marina Diamandis

Marina Diamandis (or Marina and the Diamonds), is one of my personal heroes. Yeah, yeah, go ahead, act all shocked and surprised. The thing is though, she is beautiful (AND CURVY!), self-expressive, and let's just take a look at what her music does real quick here. 

Marina likes to talk about breaking boys hearts in her songs, implying that there are a lot of one-night-stands and things such-as. And people are like "THIS IS MEANINGLESS TRASH" and "OMG GUYS SHE'S A SLUT!!!!1111!!!!" Now, hold up. You realize that men do this a lot, right? She's making a point. And have you watched her interviews? She's intelligent (or at least, she appears to be), and that's never a bad thing. I'm not just being a fangirl here (only a little bit), I legitimately think she's a great role model. Right up there with Beyonce, Jennifer Lawrence, and, yes, Ke$ha.

I'm just going to stop now before I freak out and start making even less sense than I already am. Just, go out there and listen to some Marina and feel like a badass bitch. Trust me, it'll feel great. 

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