Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Death of the High School Library

At my high school, we no longer have a library. The room is still there, but most of the books are gone, replaced with extra workspace and computers. It's no longer called a library, it's the "learning center." Funny thing is though, nobody really uses it as a learning center. They either use it as a library (HA) or they're in there socializing and playing games on the computers, because since it isn't a "library" anymore they don't have to be quiet.

When they cleared out most of the books, all the non-fiction that hadn't been taken out since 1995, they just dumped them into a wheelbarrow and planned to "probably just throw them out," according to a teacher I asked. She said I could take whatever I wanted from the wheelbarrow, so I scored a book on Constantinople and another on Israel, mostly just because I liked the look of them. I wished I could have saved more books from their unfortunate fate, but I didn't have a bag with me, so I lacked the carrying capacity to take all the ones I wanted. My friend did take quite a few though, being the book-loving saint that she is. Her old soul is incredibly admirable.

Of all the places in a high school they could have killed off, why the library? Hasn't my principal seen The Breakfast Club? A library in a high school is completely essential! By getting rid of the library, you're essentially killing a symbol for the contemporary teenager, a microcosm for real-life socialization! In The Breakfast Club, the library is where the kids find themselves and see themselves as somthing more than they originally thought themselves to be!

I have an uncontainable rage when it comes to the topic of killing libraries. Not unlike Miley Cyrus, I can't be tamed. And I certainly can't stop.


  1. I agree with every word you said! This 'learning center' was one of the most idiotic things KV has done yet (i must say advisory has final grown on me). oh and that Miley Cyrus comment at the end just about killed me, I may be overtired though.
    Ps. I really like this whole blog thing you've got going on :) keep it up!

    1. Ahh thanks so much! And I'm glad someone agrees with me... hahaha :)
